If you’ve followed my last two blogs in the “Choosing the Right Program” series you knew this program was coming. This is the last installment of the program I use and should be used directly after the 4 week prep program. In these five weeks you will be working up to heavy doubles in the first couple weeks. Then start backing off to let your body recover in the last two weeks before a meet.
Like the 4 week program, if you’re lifting in powerlifting gear than anything over 75% is done in gear. Be aware on Fridays the squats are mostly done with chains. However, one week calls for no chains so please make sure you read the workout, so you know in advance what you need to bring to be prepared.
This blog article ends the program I personally use to get ready for meets. I have consistently gotten stronger since starting this 9 week program for the 2009 USAPL Nationals and continue to use this program as I begin to train for the USAPL Pro Deadlift at the 2012 Arnold Classic. If you try it please be honest with the weights you use and finish the full nine weeks. And in the end, I guarantee you will get stronger.
5 Week Competition Cycle:
Week 1
Day 1 (Monday)
Test – All three lifts at approximately 95-97%, don’t fail on any lift
Day 3 (Wednesday)
Deadlift: 50% x4, 60% x4, 70% 2×3, 80% 5×3 Stand on 3 inch mats
Incline Press: 4×8 (heavy)
Tricep Pushdown: 3×10 (moderate weight)
Reverse Hypers: 3×6
Day 5 (Friday)
Squat: 50% x5, 60% x4, 75% 3×3 (all with 80 pound chain) 75% 2×3 (with 110 pound chain)
Bench: 50% x5, 60% x4, 70% 2×3 (all with 2 board) 85% 3×2 (2 board), 90% 3 singles with a 4 board
Close Grip Partial Bench: 70% 3×8
Good Mornings: 5×5
Abs: rope crunches, planks or hanging knee/leg raises
Day 6 (Saturday)
Deadlift: (sumo) 60% 6×2 30-45 second rest between sets
T-Bar Rows: 4×6
DB Military Press: 4×6
Week 2
Day 1 (Monday)
Squat: 50% x5, 65% x3, 75% x3, 85% 5×2
Bench: 50% x5, 65% x3, 75% x3, 85% 5×2
DB Flyes: 3×10 (light)
Abs: rope crunches, planks or hanging knee/leg raises
Day 3 (Wednesday)
Deadlift: 50% x3,60% x3, 70% x 3, 80% 2×3, 85% 2×2, 90% x2
Tricep Pushdown: 3×10 (moderate)
DB Press: 4×8
Good Mornings: 5×5
Day 5 (Friday)
Squat: 50% x3, 60% x3, 70% 3×2, 75% x2, 80% x1 (all with 80 pounds of chain added)
Bench: 50% x5, 60% x4, 77% 2×2, 85% 2×2, 90 % x2, 92 % x1 (all off 2 board)
Skull Crushers: 10×3
Close Grip Partial Reps: 70% 3×8
Abs: rope crunches, planks or hanging knee/leg raises
Day 6 (Saturday)
Military Press: 4×6
Deadlift: (rack pulls off of lowest pin) warm up to 90% x2, 100% 3 singles (based off regular deadlift max)
Week 3
Day 1 (Monday)
Squat: 50% x4, 60% x3, 70% x2, 80% x2, 85% x1, 90% x1, 93% x1
Bench: 50% x5, 65% x3, 75% x2, 85% x1, 90% x1, 93% x1
Abs: rope crunches, planks or hanging knee/leg raises
Day 3 (Wednesday)
Deadlift: 50% x4, 60% x3, 70% x2, 80% x2, 90% 3 singles
Incline Press: 4×6
Tricep Push Down: 3×10 (light)
Good Mornings: 5×5
Day 5 (Friday)
Squat: 50% x4, 60% x3, 70% x3, 80% x2, 90% x1, 91% x1, 92% x1 (no chains)
Bench: 50% x5, 60% x4, 70% x3, 80% x2, 90% x1, 92.5% x1, 95% x1 (off 1 board)
Day 6 (Saturday)
Sumo Deadlift: 60% 8×3 30-45 seconds between sets
Lat Pulldowns: 5×6
Military Press: 5×10 moderate weight
Week 4
Day 1 (Monday)
Squat: 50% x5, 60% x3, 70% x3, 80% 3×2, 85% 2×2
Bench: 50% x5, 60% x4, 70% x3, 75% x2, 85% 3×2
Abs: rope crunches, planks or hanging knee/leg raises
Day 3 (Wednesday)
Deadlift: (off 3 inch mats) 50% x3, 60% 2×3, 70% 4×2
Incline Press: 4×8
Tricep Push Down: 3×10
Day 5 (Friday)
Squat: 50% x5, 60% x3, 70% 3×2 (add 80 pounds of chains)
Bench: 50% x5, 60% x3, 70% x3, 80% 2×2, 85% 2×2 (off 1 board)
Day 6 (Saturday)
Week 5
Day 1 (Monday)
Bench and Squat: (just warm up to around 60% for 3-4 sets of 5 reps
REST the entire week after and recover for the meet
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